Speciality Cinics

Sree Harinarayana Ayurkshetra offers specialty treatments for a variety of ailments. Our teams of expert doctors have years of experience and proven talent in handling complicated cases. We ensure the best results as treatment outcome through carefully handpicked methodologies.

Womens Clinic

Severe periods pain/ Dysmenorrhoea, Excessive uterine bleeding / Menorrhagia, Amenorrhoea, Abnormal hair growth, Uterine growths or fibroids, Female infertility, Infections, Unusually tense worried mind during menstruation(PMDD), Extremely lean body….Any other female health problems… feel free to contact us…
Womanhood is a pride in Indian tradition. But alarmingly the rate of hysterectomy is increasing now days. Generally it is still unknown that Ayurveda has miraculous remedy for many of these female health problems. The role of life style and diet in to the pathogenesis of these gyeneic problems are as evident as the increasing incidence of these ailments. The result is a vitiated dosha which may results in any of the various Yonivyapad.
Generally stated our treatment is bringing down the vitiated dosha and dhatu to normalcy, by various techniques internally and externally as well which may include mild application of the Panchakarma - Purificatory therapies. Internal and external snehanam/oil application with MriduSweda/mild sudation is always crucial, followed by mild purification. Internal treatments of various traditional yogas specific to our own hospital are employed to maximize the results.
Rheumatic complaints , Joint pain, Osteoarthritis, osteoporosis
Knee pain, IVDP, Back pain, Slip disc, Sciatica
Antenatal Clinic (Garbha Raksha)

Wow…design your baby right now!!! Proper Ayurvedic care and regimens for providing a healthy offspring totally through the prescribed diet and regimes in the classics. In todays world of increasing paediatric complaints, this holds high importance. Our experts always at help to bring to your notice the do’s and don’ts in pregnancy. We can always design the mind and characters of our expected baby and make him a wonderful person to be in this world…
Postnatal Care

Be healthy and beautiful after childbirth!!! Postnatal period is of great care in Ayurveda. We provide the traditional methods of postnatal care wich includes timely administration of internal medication along with proper external treatments. All these aim at bringing a more healthy and beautiful mom after delivery and stabilizing all the vital components of body/Dhatus after delivery.

Old Age Clinic

Healthy aging...through ayurveda!!!

Ageing is a natural phenomenon, a stage of life. As it is mainly accompanied by degenerative changes, there are more health issues usually accompanying this phase of life.

Ayurveda views ageing as the third stage of life. It is so importantly viewed that we have a separate branch for old age care included in the eight branches of Ayurvedic Science – Jara Chikitsa.
We here provide proper old age care treatments as well as guidelines for a healthy body and mind at this special stage of life. We have exclusive blend of Rasayana Chikitsa and Swasthavritha for a proper healthy old age and which can always keep away the changes of ageing. This being specifically designed by our expert doctors are unique to each person as according to habits and constitution, and may vary from person to person.

Skin & Hair Care Clinic

Skin care is integral part of any personal health care regime. As due to improper life style including food habits, harmful radiations, or unpredicted seasonal variations and above all increasing mental stress the first organ being affected is the skin only. A healthy person can primarily be identified from his skin alone.
Always aspiring a healthy, beautiful skin.

Our skin care wing provides treatment for various skin diseases like various types of Psoriasis, Eczema, leukoderma, caracked heels,etc. Cosmetic skin care treatments for Pimples, Hyperpigmentation, for Sun tan, and various specific beauty enhancement treatments are available as per analyzing each skin types.

Willing Beautiful Hair

Generally stated our treatment is bringing down the vitiated dosha and dhatu to normalcy, by various techniques internally and externally as well which may include mild application of the Panchakarma- Purificatory therapies. Internal and external snehanam/oil application with MriduSweda/mild sudation is always crucial, followed by mild purification. Internal treatments of various traditional yogas specific to our own hospital are employed to maximize the results.

Allergy Clinic

Tired of those irritated skin, nose eyes!
As far as present day lifestyle is concerned, there is one point or another in everyone’s lifetime that their body signals abnormally high reaction either as excessive sneezing, nose running, abnormal itching , throat, eye and ear irritation, or some allergic skin reactions etc.
We provide successful treatments for a wide range of allergic conditions. Along with our Agnideepana, Srotoshodhana and Balya treatments, our specific follow ups helps to ease your life further.

Marma Clinic

Still worried about continuous pains!
Marmas are vital points or points of high energy flow in our body. Marma correction techniques helps retain normal unobstructed energy flow in our body.

Specialized Marma correction treatments available for many of the serious pains including IVDP/disc complaints, cervical and lumbar spondylosis, spondylitis, Slip disc, Patellar dislocation, Shoulder joint complaints etc.